As a ÆßÉ«ÊÓƵ alumni, you have access to exclusive discounts to help you save time and money on your favorite brands, tuition and professional development.
Check out the most popular categories with our alumni, and more.
Get exclusive alumni discounts on your next degree from ÆßÉ«ÊÓƵ.
Lock in tuition at our special rate until you earn your degree. Your cost per credit with special rate is $350, a total savings of $2,880.
Lock in tuition at our special rate until you earn your degree. Your cost per credit with special rate is $630, a total savings of $2,200.
Right now, our alumni can save with our special tuition rate. We're also awarding 50 new scholarship opportunities for our alumni, valued at up to $2,000 each.
Alumni Bachelor's Students
Scholarship award
Maximum Value of $2,000
applied over 20 courses provided you maintain eligibility
3.0 GPA or higher required.
Alumni Master's Students
Scholarship award
Maximum Value of $2,000
applied over 11 courses provided you maintain eligibility
3.25 GPA or higher required.